玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


我們一家的福氣The Good Fortune of our Family

文/楊適禎女士  Written by Mdm May Yeo


我們很幸運, 師父也幫我們:

1• 全家人取名
2• 全家人看八字
3• 看風水
4• 開光



我的先生也在師父的幫助下,在公司從一個 ‘沒人看見’ 的員工,到老闆分配任務給他。 我們對玳瑚師父的感激是用言語不能表達的。

因為師父很慈悲,我們一有問題,師父一定很樂意,很仔細的指點我們。怕只怕我們 ‘不聽話’。

除了風水和批八字之外,師父也是一位醫生和顧問。有一次,我們的女兒發燒了一个星期,看了兩次醫生也不好。最後,師父指點讓女兒 喝了很簡單的飲料,果然,燒在當天就退了。師父對吃也很有知識,經常教我们各種食物及其五行,和哪些食物有利於我们。还有,師父 也指點哪一些品牌適合我們。



Singapore Feng Shui Master Dai Hu review testimonial feedback

It was by pure chance that we found Master Dai Hu from the Internet and engaged him to pen a new name for our eldest daughter. I am very grateful for his meticulousness and conscientiousness in getting the job done.

We count ourselves very lucky that Master Dai Hu also helped us with:

1. Penning new Chinese names for the whole family
2. Analysis of Birth Charts for the whole family
3. Feng Shui audit at my residence
4. Consecration

The above helped us to improve our lives tremendously.

Master Dai Hu always reminds us to do good deeds and accumulate our merits.

Under the guidance from Master Dai Hu, my husband rose from a nobody at his workplace to being tasked with projects from his superior. Words can never express our heartfelt gratitude to Master.

With his compassionate nature, Master Dai Hu will readily oblige whenever we have issues in our lives and approached him for help. He is very thorough in his advice, and we can only blame ourselves at times for not following his words to the T.

Besides providing Feng Shui and Analysis of Birth chart services, Master also plays the role of a doctor and a consultant. There was an occasion when our daughter was running a fever for a week and not recovering, despite visiting the doctor twice. Finally, we were advised by Master to let our daughter consume a simple beverage and, true enough, the fever subsided that very day. Master has extensive knowledge when it comes to dietary needs, and would often teach us the different kind of food and their respective elemental types, and which ones are suitable for our consumption. In addition, Master also dishes out advice on the type of brands suitable for us.

Again, tonnes of gratitude to him. It is our great fortune, really, to have known Master Dai Hu!


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