玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


傾家蕩產的人The Man Who Lost His Fortune


一個多星期前,就有一位中年男士向吾告白。原本賣了屋子,”身輕如燕”的他,卻將屋子所得之巨款,輕而易舉的投進賭海。搞到現在債務如山,老婆要離婚,等等。他當然有向吾請教,如何快捷速地的”雨過天晴”。吾依因緣,「精神統一」的觀察其面相、氣色、身型及其他,然後指點他應速速改善的方法。事後也耐心的告訴他,為何十個九個都”淪陷”於賭海。與此同時,也告知所有”暗藏賭性”的你,妳。誠懇的祝福你,妳,不會將原有的家庭健康、信譽、財富等幸福,埋藏賭海裡。十個九個無法”瀟灑”從賭場走出來的原因之一是;全世界的賭場,由其是亞洲的,都是有佈局的。之二;賭場內有所謂的”高人”在”操控”。之三; 賭場內是有”無形”在把守。在你,妳還沒進賭場前,”無形”早已將你,妳肩上的火給拍滅了。試問如何鴻運當頭?


Gambling Borrowing Casino

Gambling is akin to a person walking from the shallow waters into the deep sea. Very few would turn back and return to the shore in time.

I got to know gambling when I was still a child. Black Jack, Ah Chap, mahjong and all. Fortunately, I did not qualify as a gambler, not an inveterate one and definitely not the God of Gamblers! A lot of people are mesmerized by gambling but be warned that those who became addicted will never need to have their fortunes read. Why? You are destined to lead a woeful life.

Why a woeful life? Let me explain. When a person lost all his money, he would not take it lying down and would start borrowing from everyone in a bid to try his luck again and overcome his initial losses! Who knows, in a blink of an eye, he would become the big ‘benefactor’ of the casinos!

A week plus ago, a middle aged man made a confession to me. He was originally in a very comfortable financial position after having sold his house. He then freely gambled away the profits, and subsequently getting into mountains of debts and now faced threats of divorce from his wife. He sought my advice to solve his problem. With total focus, I observed his facial features, aura and body physique and taught him a way to quickly get out of his troubles. I then patiently explained to him why gambling is always a losing preposition for 9 out of 10 people.

This article is also meant for the secret gambler in you. I sincerely wish that you will not lose your family, your reputation and your wealth to your gambling addictions. Here are the reasons why 9 out of 10 will never walk out from the casinos with a swagger: First these big casinos, especially those in Asia, had their strategic geomancy placements set up firm and strong. Also, there are very powerful advisers who are key in controlling the entire proceedings. Lastly, there is a shroud of invisible beings guarding the casinos. Before you even step into the casino, they will have extinguish the “fire” on your shoulders. How would you rate your winning chance then?

Everyone has their dreams, but such worldly dreams easily lead to throwing good money after bad. With a stable job and income, one can honour our parents and support the family. One can stash aside some money periodically for rainy days, use it for the children’s education or spend it on travels to widen one’s horizons. One can even contribute to the society and accumulate more merits. You can have a happy and blissful life. Why would you want to be the one to lose your fortune to the casinos?


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