玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


醫學以外的治療方法 : 玳瑚師父不可思議的加持力 Alternative Treatment Beyond Modern Medicine: Unbelievable Power of Master Dai Hu’s Healing Ability.

文 / 蔡曜陽先生  Written by Mr Chua Yaoyang















Master Dai Hu Alternative Treatment Healing Ability Power Eyes conjunctivitis  加持結膜炎眼睛玳瑚師父新加坡 Singapore


I have known Master Dai Hu for 5 years now. And I have always sought Master’s help when it comes to important life decisions. I am sure many customers had immensely benefited from Master’s precious advice. However, not many people are aware that beyond the usual metaphysics advice Master gave, he could also help with health related issues.


How Master Dai Hu healed my conjunctivitis

In November 2014, I contracted conjunctivitis twice on my left eye. On the first occasion, my eye swelled up quite badly. Hence I went to seek medical treatment from a local GP. However, my condition did not improve after two days of administrating medication. Master came to know of this and offered to bless my eye in a bid to improve the situation. The whole blessing process took no longer than 2 minutes. But the next day when I woke up, my eye’s condition improved drastically. In fact, the swelling had subsided so much that it was looking normal. I was pleasantly surprised and thanked Master personally for his empowerment.


Conjunctivitis strikes again one week later !

One week later, I was again diagnosed with conjunctivitis on my left eye. And my eye condition was much worse than the first time, the whole eye was badly infected. It was bloodshot and tearing non-stop for the entire day, affecting my work. Eventually, the condition spreaded to the healthy right eye. I went to seek the eye specialist’s treatment, as the condition was bad enough this time. The doctor told me that this condition would take at least 5 days to a week to see any improvement.


Incredible healing power of Master Dai Hu

Desperately, I sought Master’s help again to bless my eyes. Amazingly, it took just 3 days after Master’s empowerment and my eyes were almost 90% healed. The redness and soreness were gone. There was hardly any trace of the infection at the end of the third day.

I sincerely thank Master Dai Hu for his compassion to help me even though this is outside the scope of his professional services. This shows that Master Dai Hu genuinely cares for each and every one of his customers. He not only takes great pain to solve our life challenges but issues with our physical well being too. Master Dai Hu is a rare gem and we ought to cherish our relationship with Master. After all, where else can we ever find someone like him who is ever so willing to sacrifice his valuable time and effort for the benefit of us all?


Webmaster’s footnote:

Master Dai Hu does not advocate superstition. A person with any ailment should first consult a doctor. If there is no recovery despite repeated visits to the doctor, this ailment may be caused by spiritual disturbances, karmic retribution or Feng Shui disorder in the residence or ancestral graves.  The patient may then wish to contact Master Dai Hu for his assistance.

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