玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


知識就是力量The Power Of Knowing

文 / 林珍宇  Written by: Madam Ashleigh Lim




Master Dai Hu Customer Review Testimonial 玳瑚師父客人見證











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從這些茶會中,我發現師父的知識真的很全面。從流年運程,女人該有的眉型,如何看出孩子是否聽話,為何不該隨意在屋裡建造隔間,如何累積福份,如何持誦佛號心咒到農曆七月該做什麼,他樣樣精通。 他也有能力解讀隱藏在漢字和英文字母,及圖騰裡的密碼,並告訴我們這些密碼在日常生活中的影響力。

試問現今,哪裡可以找到一位師父願意捨棄睡眠,來傳授你知識以及教導正確的健康飲食呢?師父只要求我們提升我們的人格,不要再繼續消減自己的福份。 能遇見這樣的堪輿師父非常不容易。師父他不只能夠幫助你的事業和家庭,他也能夠為你的健康和性格指點迷津。我們都應該學會珍惜與他相處的時間。

相關文章: 玳瑚師父四月份與茶會友, 三月份與茶會友, 災難中的助力


Master Dai Hu Client Testimonial Review


I met Master Dai Hu through an ex-colleague towards the end of 2013. We were talking about Feng Shui and I was impressed by her knowledge of the subject. At that time, I was also looking for a good Feng Shui Master for my place, which I had moved in, in the later part of 2012.


My 1st consultation with Master Dai Hu in 2013

I managed to meet Master and had my destiny analysis done by him, followed by change of name. Of course being new to all these, I did not know what to ask but Master was very detailed in telling me what colors I can wear and what kind of brands I can use, down to the timings that I should avoid when I am working as the tendency to make mistakes are high.

Master always gives advice on using certain items, that are easily found in daily life to help enhance my luck and balance my elements. He never fails to remind me to do good deeds to accumulate merits and become a better person.


Surprise deal closures after name change & destiny analysis

After changing my name and adopting the combination of colors I should be wearing and brands that I should be using, I closed a property deal very smoothly. In my past experience as a property agent, my deals were full of hiccups and never straight forward. For this deal, I was not aware that the seller had an exclusive agent and I was introduced to her by a friend. It was only after I had a potential buyer that I knew of the other agent. Luckily he was kind enough to co-broke and he updated me on the process. The best part was I did not need to be present for the whole procedure. Even though it was a small deal, it meant that what I was advised by Master Dai Hu works.


Hubby Finally Listened to Me after Feng Shui audit!

Long before I started my new job, I always wanted to engage Master to do my 2nd year Feng Shui audit but my husband, being the skeptic, kept hindering my decision. It was only when I needed to start my new job, I decided to just go ahead.

When Master came to my place, he pinpointed a spot that I should always occupy. He placed emphasis on that spot and kept reminding me to sit there to do my work. Why is this spot so important? Well, have you ever felt oppressed when your opinions are not taken into consideration? This is how I feel when I talk to my husband. No matter how I put my words across to him, he just never listens and I will feel that he is too stubborn for his own good.

Related: The Power of Authority from Eight Directions


Good Feng Shui cleared up my skin & boost my health

To add to this, my face have been plagued by clogs and acne problem. I did not realise this has to do with Feng Shui as well. After heeding Master’s advice, my face started clearing up, coupled with the right diet of course. Prior to that, even if I go for facial and eat healthily, it still does not work and my skin problem keeps recurring. Master indeed has a 360-degree knowledge of things, from name selection to destiny and Feng Shui, right down to diet and health. I did notice that I do not fall sick as easily as my colleagues, who are mostly female. This has been mentioned in one of Master’s predictions.

Related: Feng Shui As Beauty Care


Priceless knowledge learnt at Master Dai Hu’s “classroom”

I met Master in 2013 but it was only in 2015 that Master decided to hold tea sessions to impart his knowledge to us. I always look forward to Master’s tea sessions as what he shared with us is priceless. You cannot gain this knowledge anywhere else without paying for it.

It is from these tea sessions that I got to know that Master’s knowledge is really well rounded, from predictions for the year ahead to identifying the types of eyebrows a woman should have, how to see if your kids are obedient, why you should not anyhow partition rooms, how to accumulate good fortune, how to recite Buddha’s name and mantra to knowledge of the 7th Lunar month. He is also able to decipher the hidden elemental codes in Chinese characters, English alphabets and patterns and their impact on our daily lives.

To be able to meet such a Feng Shui Master who not only is able to help in your career, family but extends it to health and personality is not easy. We should all learn to treasure the time that we had with him.

 Related: Master Dai Hu’s April Tea Session, March Tea Session, A Helping Hand in Times of Adversity

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