玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


其實新加坡真的很不錯Singapore Is Indeed A Great Place

有些客人,照顧一個小小的家庭,就向吾喊說吃不消。新加坡政府要照顧那麽多人的需求,壓力可想而知。吾看很多官員上任不久,頭髮就白了一大半。有時,客人向吾抱怨對政府的不滿。但吾認爲國家不足的地方(哪個國家沒有呢?),人民可以去補足、圓滿。 要自立,不用等別人做給你,妳。 國家沒有欠我們什麽。



祝新加坡國運昌隆、風調雨順、人民棄惡從善。 國慶日快樂!

Singapore National Day Birthday

Some clients come to me whining on how they find it difficult to manage taking care of their small families. For the Singapore government to take care of so many people and their needs, we can imagine the pressure they face. I see the hair of many government officials turning white not long after they are sworn into office.

I get the occasional client who will grumble about his dissatisfaction with the government during our consultation session. I have a different view on this, however. If a country has any area of inadequacy (which country doesn’t?), her people can help bring it up to full strength. We should be independent and not wait for others to serve us. The nation owes us nothing.

To be born in this nation, to be educated, to grow up and live in peaceful times is a blessing given by the nation and a gratitude we owe her. To do one’s bit for your country, it is everyone’s obiligation.

Today ain’t just a normal birthday celebration for our country. It is also to commemorate the true essence and spirit of our countrymen. For the past 49 years, under a severe lack of resources, our people have fought hand in hand and grow the country from strength to strength. May this indomitable spirit of self independence & unity carry us into the future!

Here’s wishing Singapore prosperity and peace! May her people eschew the bad and learn to do good. Happy National Day!


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