玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


不懷好“孕”Not Being Able to Conceive

凡夫俗子批八字,大多都離不開「妻、財、子、祿」。這”四求”中的「子」,就伸出不少令人啼笑皆非的”真人真事“來。在這人世間,”子女絕緣”對一般人而言,可謂人生一大憾事。因此,確實有人一擲千金,所謂”千處祈求”種種得子得女之方法。有些求有所得,有些卻不得要領。這是否有原由?玳瑚師父實實在在的告訴大家,天下間所發生的事情,皆有因緣因果,由不得你我信或不信。就好比肉眼看不 到的細菌,你妳不能否定它們的存在啊!因為到處都有細菌啊!

據吾所知及應證的,有無子女和「福德」是息息相關的。絕對和錢財無關係。就是因為如此,吾才苦口婆心勸了有又勸,說了又說,為的就是希望你妳們,能夠早日知道, 「妻、財、子、祿」 都是需要福德來”培植”。常做損人利己,還沒積德,就先缺德的人,是不會如願以償的。


一; 墮過胎。概殺生為五戒之首。罪之重可想而知。
二; 犯淫。
三; 家中爐位安錯。
四; 臥床安錯。
五; 神位安錯。
六; 行商缺德。
七; 誹謗修行人,以及佛菩薩。
八; 答應神佛之事,卻遲遲未進行,且有意故犯,傲慢不可一世
九; 喜佔人便宜。連修行人及佛菩薩都不放過,等等。






Pregancy Why No Baby

For many of us, the major reasons we get our birth chart analysed by a Master are none other than the following: Marriage, Wealth, Descendants and Career. Out of these 4 reasons, the quest for descendants has spun many amusing real-life stories. In this human world, to have no luck with descendants is a shameful and regrettable fact for most of us. Thus there will be some who would spend fortunes to seek various ways for them to have children. Some got their wishes fulfilled, yet there were some whose hope crumbled in vain. Is there any reason for this? Let me tell you this, every thing that occurs in this world has its cause and affinity. It is not up to any of us to validate nor disbelieve this fact. It is akin to the bacteria that escapes our naked eyes, yet we cannot deny their presence. Bacteria is everywhere!

According to what I know and verified, the ability to have offspring is intricately connected to your merits. It has absolutely nothing to do with money. It is precisely so that I painstakingly remind everyone repeatedly to cultivate your merits so as to achieve good fortune in Marriage, Wealth, Descendants and Career. For those whose actions or thoughts bring harm to others, who destroy instead of accumulating your merits, your wishes in life would be hard to materialize.

Many people desperately want to know the reasons for them being childless. Here, I will expound the reasons. It is up to you to believe or not. As a matter of fact, the law of karma (cause & effect) is quite oblivious to your acknowledgement of its existence. The several reasons for being childless:

1) Previous abortion(s), as it constitutes to killing. The most
important precept in Buddhism is abstinence from killing so the
severity of this sin when committed is obvious.
2) Sexual misconduct
3) Wrong placement of the kitchen stove
4) Wrong placement of the altar
5) Wrong placement of the bed
6) Lack of morals in conducting your business
7) Defamation of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Buddhist practitioners
8) Willful breaking of your promise to the Buddhas and deities, deliberately delaying its execution due to arrogance.
9) Like to take advantage of others, including the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Buddhist practitioners
and so on.

If you are truly repentant and committed to uphold the precepts and lead a wholesome life (including doing kind deeds and giving to the needy), your negative karma will be reduced. Conversely, your merits will also increase, leading to the eventual fulfillment of your wishes.

There is a verse that I am particularly fond of, one which I often share with those whom I have affinity with. I believe that those of you reading this article also share an affinity with me. So I shall share the verse right here right now:

Do not think you can deceive your own heart.
Who have the omnipresent gods and ghosts ever let slip?
The good and the bad will get what they each deserve in the end
It is just but a matter of time.

Regardless if you wish for a child or not, please do not commit unwholesome and immoral acts. You will live to regret it!


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