玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


不道德的交易Immoral Transaction

Singapore Feng Shui Master Dai Hu 新加坡風水師父玳瑚師父


做生意難免會有應酬但記得,陪坐小姐若坐過來,你大可以主動拒絕,因為這些都是不道德的交易,會換來好幾世的因緣牽纏。而這些因緣牽纏不是你們想像的幸福美滿,大多都是讓你痛哭流涕的。所以請男士們三思再三思。玳瑚師父奉勸你別做這樣的生意了。 古訓:一失足成千古恨。

It is sometimes inevitable that there is entertainment when you are in business. If the hostess approaches and sits beside you, you can proactively shun away. If immoral acts or transactions are committed, they will come with a heavy karmic price. There will be many lifetimes of entanglement in relationships, often ending in sorrow and tears, with no sight of the happiness and bliss you imagine. Therefore, all men be warned, think over it again and again. Don’t even put yourself in such circumstances in the first place. An ancient saying goes “A step in the wrong direction will result in eternal regret”.


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