玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


你喜歡財神,但財神喜歡你嗎?Does the God of Wealth Favour You?

財神給人的印象總是喜氣洋洋,祂身上的福氣很容易感染看到祂的人。 從事这行這麽久,我還沒看到一個不喜歡財神的人,可見財神的大敬愛有多厲害!

接財神是我們華人在新春的民俗習慣。 接財神時,記得心情要愉悅、清涼,如此財神才會隨著你清涼、愉悅的覺受而歡喜下降,把祂吉祥的能量也帶入你家。

要請財神,一定要懂得祂的心。 要學會心胸寬闊、慷慨大方、度量要大。 和氣才能生財,不要動不動就起爭執。

財能養命,是人主要的資糧之一。 請了財神後,我們要有智慧地仍然勤於工作而非守豬待兔。 接財神不代表我們迷於錢,接了祂也不是馬上就發財。 財神喜歡賜福給大家,你也要展開這心量去助人利他。 當你不計較得失的時候,又喜於助人,財神自然會給予你光明的加持,貴人多助,福份綿綿不斷。



God of Fortune

The God of Wealth is always seen beaming with jubilation. His aura of great fortune easily rubs off on anyone who see Him. Till date, I have yet to meet a person who does not like the God of Wealth. That sure shows how great the love & respect He has from us!

Welcoming the God of Wealth is a traditional Chinese custom during the Lunar New Year. During the process, remember to stay happy & joyful so that the God of Wealth will descend merrily, bringing along His auspicious energy into your home.

To invite the God of Wealth, you must know the way to His heart. Learn to be big-hearted, be more generous, make an effort to be more tolerant. Harmony brings wealth, so hold yourself back from quarreling with others.

Money is one of the most essential resources for human survival. After welcoming the God of Wealth to your home, we must have the wisdom to continue working and not expect otherwise. Now, to welcome the God of Wealth does not mean one is obsessed with money. Neither does it mean an immediate windfall. On the contrary, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to get rid of your pettiness and learn to be as big-hearted as the God of Wealth.

The God of Wealth loves to bestow fortune upon others, so it is essential for you to open up your heart and help others. When you are able to think beyond your personal gains & losses and enjoy helping others, the God of Wealth will certainly shower you with blessings, bringing benefactors and endless fortune your way.

If we can all welcome the God of Fortune with this notion, we will be establishing a tradition of proper belief for our descendants, instead of one fused with superstition.


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