玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


Category: Buddhism

懺悔 業障 消業 淨土三尊 西方三聖 阿彌陀佛 觀世音菩薩 大勢至菩薩

懺悔才免業來攻Repent For Your Sins Before Karma Strikes!

How to dream of deceased relative parent child

夢不到妳你Can’t Dream of You

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva 地藏王菩薩 功德 merits

祝賀南無大願地藏王菩薩的聖誕Birthday Wishes for Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva

追思孝道慶讚中元 (二)Hungry Ghosts’ Festival – In Remembrance of Filial Piety (2)

Relics 舍利子 李木源 修行 spiritual cultivation

李木源居士的舍利子The Relics of Mr Lee Bock Guan

色不迷人人自迷 lust marriage reason美女 為什么结婚

一個漂亮的泥娃娃A Beautiful Clay Doll

人天共欽的聖誕A Holy Birthday Celebrated by Mankind & the Heavens

Singapore Buddhist Lodge 居士林

有無信仰者的榜樣A Role Model For Both The Pious & The Faithless

Bangkok bomb explosion, 曼谷四面佛, karma, killing, 殺生, 毀壞佛像神像, destroying Buddha Bodhisattva Deities statues, 爆炸, 炸彈襲擊

害人終害己What Goes Around Comes Around

妳你家的地神開心嗎?Is The Earth God at Your Home Happy?

功德 彌勒佛 merits Laughing Buddha 出世 入世


觀音堂 廟 供香供花 Kwan Im Hood Cho Temple 四馬路 Waterloo Street Incense Offering Merits Beauty Beautiful 花容月貌


追思孝道慶讚中元Hungry Ghosts’ Festival – In Remembrance of Filial Piety

字裡行間In Between The Lines

我的未來不是夢My Future Is Not A Dream

一千靈一夜A Thousand Spirits in One Night

善書光明遍照A Virtuous Book Radiates Brightly In All Directions

夜半啼聲的緣由The Reason Behind The Midnight Cries

鳥人Bird Man

夜深人靜時When All is Quiet In The Dead of Night

家庭神位的契機The Right Opportunity For A Home Altar

鬼的真實存在The Existence of Ghosts

普天同慶的一天A Day of Universal Celebration

正與邪Good Vs Evil

短慮而失敗Failure Due To Lack of Foresight

居安思危Be Prepared for Adversity In Time of Peace

讓愛繼續Let the Love Flows on

卫賽節快樂Vesak Day Greetings

我佛慈悲The Compassionate Buddha and I

像觀世音菩薩的她The Lady Who Resembles Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva

empowering individuals to change their destinies.