玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


Category: As He Thinketh

母親節快樂!Happy Mothers’ Day!

投奔黑暗的人The Ones Who Deflect to Darkness

向日Looking Towards the Sun

先把小事做好Do The Small Things Well

在還沒變之前Before The Change Unfolds

感恩的真諦The True Essence Of Gratitude

唱首情歌給妳你聽Singing A Love Song For You

清明時節談孝親Filial Piety on Qingming Festival

謝謝您的堅持Thank You For Your Perseverance

元宵賜福圓滿Yuanxiao Festival – Bestowal of Blessings

爛慈悲Fake Compassion

師父的祝福The Well Wishes of a Master

給國家領袖的祝福My Wishes for Our Country’s Leader

樹兒的低語The Gentle Whispers Of The Trees

真愛新春佳節My Truly Beloved Spring Festival

一夜夫妻百日恩A Day Together as Husband and Wife, Endless Devotion For Life

登山觀浮雲Watching the Clouds From the Mountains

風調雨順,國泰民安The Way To a Prosperous & Peaceful Nation with Favourable Weather

修行在個人Spiritual Cultivation Is Your Own Responsibility

真正懂得投資的人The Man Who Truly Knows Investment

是時候修福修德了Now is the Time to Cultivate your Merits and Morals

戒定慧The Three Endeavours of Moral Discipline, Meditation and Wisdom


勿將生命來糟蹋Do Not Trample on Your Life

修福惜福Cultivate and Treasure Your Merits

海邊的伏藏Hidden Secrets by The Beach

真正的君子The True Gentleman

命運加倍苦的人A Destiny With Twice The Sufferings

牽引你向道Guiding You to the Way

最苦的人The Person With The Most Sufferings

empowering individuals to change their destinies.